Monday, July 7, 2008

Oh, the Pink Taco

Okay, I find this kind of amusing because 1. I am not as stupid as it seems and 2. Could it have taken any longer?

Story: Where I live, a stadium was built like 8-9 yrs ago. There was all this talk around town about what the name of the stadium would be. The first business to offer sponsorship was named the Pink Taco. Weelll, no one was too keen on The Pink Taco Stadium. I couldn't really figure out why. I thought it was kind of silly that someone would pair "pink" and "taco" together. Seemed to me like it would make more sense if it were "red" or "green" because at least those are the colors of the sauce that you would put on a taco... see where I am going? HA! I even got so creative to think that even The Yellow Taco would make more sense because then maybe you could make a special sauce for your tacos that was made from yellow peppers. So anyway... fast forward to 4th of July 2oo8. My husband and I were driving back from my Mom's house and had to drive past what was eventually named The University of Phoenix Stadium (yeah, not as catchy as The Pink Taco Stadium). My husband says, "You know, we should just call it the pink taco anyway...." And it hit me! OMG.... no wonder politicians didn't want to name it the Pink Taco. I don't know how I figured it out, but this is a great example of people not meaning what they say. I can' t believe it took me nine years to figure out they weren't talking about a Mexican food dish!

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